Daily Archives: January 14, 2011

Tacoma Firestation #11


Today I took a moment to photograph Tacoma Fire Station No. 11 at 3802 McKinley Avenue. It is a relatively small, two story fire station and was placed into service on April 17, 1909. Looking at a photo of the station from 1910 (http://search.tacomapubliclibrary.org/buildings/bldg1image.asp?j=3&o=3&n=20900&i=6243#text), it looks much the same, though of course nowadays the fire trucks aren’t pulled by horses!

The particularly nice weathervane was dedicated on October 28, 1978.  The station was place on the National Historic Register on May 2, 1986.

There are 17 fire stations in Tacoma.

The City of Tacoma placed 11 individual fire related properties (9 stations, 1 ship and an alarm system) on the national historical register in 1983. The nomination form is located here: