Monthly Archives: February 2015

Lakewood History Museum

16399548877_c5def60a6e_bI had a rare free afternoon on this lovely sunny Saturday and stopped to visit the Lakewood History Museum at 6211 Mt Tacoma Drive SW, Lakewood, WA 98499. It is located in a small retail space in the Lakewood Colonial Center. It is small, but charming and I actually knew the woman who was volunteering there today. Since Lakewood is a relatively new city, incorporated in 1995, I hadn’t thought it had much history, but I learned a great deal. I hadn’t realized that the area had originally been called The Prairie and I was reminded of the fact that the Lakewood Town Center was on the site of a convent. And I enjoyed seeing the replica of an old fashion classroom and a log cabin interior. The post office boxes particularly fascinated me. Altogether I took in that although it has only been a city for 20 years, there is still an extensive past. I promised to bring my husband to the museum for a visit. The Lakewood Historical Society has a wealth of information about the museum and events in the area.

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Original Pancake House

IMG_2514I’ve been meaning to the Original Pancake House at 601 Pine Street since it opened a few months ago (December 2014). Dear husband and I finally went to the all breakfast restaurant the other day and the pancakes were indeed delicious. I hadn’t realized the chain is so extensive, all over the US and now in Japan and South Korea. The original Original Pancake House opened in 1953 in Portland, OR. Their website is here.

Washing up at Mcmenamin’s Olympic Club

16544355252_bb97c504e0_oMcmenamins Olympic Club in Centralia has won the award for best women’s room sink (if such an award existed!). Today dear husband and I went for lunch before some antiquing (him) and outlet shopping (me).

The Olympic Club Hotel was built in 1913 and is a mixed use facility which includes a restaurant/bar, pool area, movie theater and hotel with guest rooms.  We didn’t take in a movie this time, though we have in the past. It is a great theater with comfy, overstuffed chair and a full menu/bar service. I snapped a photo between shows. The guest rooms have a shared centralized bathrooms (European style) and are uniquely charming. I had a photo from some years ago that I’ve included. The property has been a McMenamins since 1997.

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Valentine’s Day Spring Flowers

16531581111_5e514ae2d2_kI was having a Valentine’s Day meal with my Valentine when I glanced out the window towards LEED (Law Enforcement Equipment Distribution) at 6902 Sixth Avenue. It took me a moment to realize what seemed out of place to me. The rhododendrons were in full bloom! That seems crazy to me since we are only in mid-February! So then I started looking around and sure enough there were cherry trees blooming and daffodils coming up and a lovely camellia in full glory. So, I guess the ground hog was wrong for us this year, but for sure right for my friends and family in the northeast.

LEED specialize in duty gear, body armor and firearms for law enforcement and armed security professionals.

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Nuckle’s Sandwich Shop, Tacoma

16468453312_87fd024e35_kNuckle’s Sandwich Shop at 4312 6th Ave in Tacoma was a wonderful find for dear husband and me. We stopped in for lunch. I had the Hot Pastrami and soup and dear husband had the BBQ Cheese steak and soup. He was surprised when his cheese steak came with pineapple, but he loved it! Really, everything was delicious and reasonably priced too. Their menu is here.
