Explanation Page

I’ve been using the FourSquare app on my phone.  The premise is that I check into places and then my friends know where I am.  If I don’t want my friends to know where I am, I can go “off the grid”.  I’m enjoying the challenge of finding new places to visit.  This is as easy as can be when traveling or when starting up the program, but now my summer trips are slowing down and I’ve already checked into most of my regular spots (grocery store, Starbucks, fav. restaurants, local library, etc.)  So, my personal challenge is one new place every day during the rest of 2011.


There are two reasons to do this

1.)  It gets me out and about to new and interesting places.  I’m learning things about my community!

2.) It provides a snapshot of various places.  In the short time that I’ve been working on the ‘New Place of the Day’ project, several of the places have closed.  This blog is a way to remember, not just the big glitzy places, but the individual stores and community places.

This project was inspired by MakeSomething365.com

As of 8/22/10 I’ve checked in 267 times.  I’ve traveled in five states (WA, TX, CA, MT, ID) and two provinces (NB and AB).




3 thoughts on “Explanation Page

  1. Marie-Anne Harkness

    If you ever have a chance to go to Southern Arizona, check out the Amerind Foundation. They have a unique and beautiful collection of art created by the native people of North and South America. They have a small museum, gallery, gift shop, cafe and picnic grounds near Benson, AZ. The architecture is beautiful and worthy of your project.

  2. Kevin Freitas

    Good morning! My name is Kevin Freitas and I’m the creator behind FeedTacoma.com. I’d love to add your Tacoma-related entries among the other contributors if you’ll allow me. Basically I use your RSS feed to show new entries on FeedTacoma. They link straight back to your site so it’s really just a great place for everyone to see everything Tacoma. Please shoot me an email at kfreitas@feedtacoma.com to let me know.


    ~ Kevin

Good to see you here!