Monthly Archives: November 2014

Reindeer at the North Pole (or Watson’s Greenhouse)


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Dear husband and I went to see real reindeer today, Luckily we didn’t have to go to the North Pole (though that would have been fun!). Watson’s Greenhouse has a small herd (2) of the sleigh pulling helpers, When we got there it was really cold and the deer were taking a nap. I was very impressed with the size of their antlers!


An eyeball bowling ball at Bass Pro Shop

15264688214_fa213f4f44_kThe new Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World Store at 7905 South Hosmer Street in Tacoma opened for business in October and its pretty great! It is huge (142,000 square feet) and full of camping, hunting and fishing merchandise. And there are some surprises including a restaurant with a full bar, a bowling alley with shark ball returns and bowling balls that look like eyes, a 12,000 gallon aquarium stocked with local fish (plenty of salmon), a boat showroom, stuffed wildlife exhibits, a lovely entry with a large fireplace and a holiday area that will soon house Santa. And outside in the parking lot there is a fire-tower. Apparently there are many Pro Bass Stores in other parts of the country, but this is the first one in Washington or Oregon.


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Grandpa’s Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlor

15236516533_6152cb9e3e_kGrandpa’s Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlor at 208 4th Avenue, Olympia is a fine place for a sweet treat. We had stopped in a while back only to learn that they are closed on Sundays, but today after a hoagie at Merconi’s and a little shopping, dear husband and I visited for some ice cream. I had a small Sundae and he had a cone. Grandpa’s have specialty hard packed ice cream, soft serve ice cream and delicious looking candies. We were the only customers for a while, which makes sense at 5 pm, but I hear that in the summer the line goes out the door. I especially appreciate the care that they took to make the space into an old fashioned parlor, the checkered floor tiles, the metal stamped ceiling, the seating and more. The other photo features the handmade glowing jellyfish hanging in a tree a few doors down.


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505 Broadway

viewI was lucky enough to attend a meeting today in the Skyroom of the 505 Broadway Building in Tacoma. It is a lovely condominium building constructed in 2009. At the building’s entrance are two stone lions. And there is a model of the building in the lobby.

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No One Else But You Can Feel Along the Grooves

muralI wandered off to revisit the lovely leaf mural on S. 43rd Street (310 East 43rd Street). But it was gone! Of course the bridge is still there, but there is a new mural. I had to consider it a while before I decided that although it was very different from the leaf mural, I really like it. My first impression when I drove over the bridge, is that it was swirls of colors, but when I took the time to get out of the car, I realized that it was words that said “No One Else But You Can Feel Along the Grooves”. The mural was created in 2013 by David Long.

To see the previous mural, go here.

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T.W.O. Coffee Shop

15558955217_28dfaf1430_kI was in Fircrest getting a hair trim (thank goodness!) and I had a little time afterward to have a bite to eat. T.W.O. is located at 1039 Regents Boulevard. Service was quick and friendly and my grilled cheese with tomato soup was tasty. The cafe has an eclectic vibe going one and I found a seat in the lovely November sunlight. Before the space was T.W.O., it was Green Bean Coffee.

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