Monthly Archives: February 2016

Downtown Tacoma with the TCC Photography Class

imageThe past six Tuesday evenings, I’ve been taking a photography class to become more familiar with my camera. Really it has been great and I have learned a bunch. Now I just need to practice! Anyway today was our end of the class photo shoot. We met outside of Freighthouse Square and took the “Trolley Tour” (the Tacoma Link), stopping along the way to capture some moments. We strolled through the University of Washington Tacoma, crossed the Bridge of Glass and toured the theater district.

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Lincoln International District’s (Tacoma, WA) Lunar New Year Celebration


Most years dear daughter and I would go to the Lunar New Year Celebration in Tacoma’s International District. I remember firecrackers going off near her stroller and her crying, so it has been a long tradition. But the celebration hasn’t happened for the past five years, until today. At 10 am sharp the firecrackers went off and the festivities began. Mayor Strickland said a few words and a few others (I couldn’t tell who since I was still walking up). There was a very short, but great parade and then the crowd followed the lion dancers to the Lincoln Pharmacy on the corner of South 38th and South Thompson . A string of firecrackers was lite,  the lions danced and musicians played. Then we all moved on to the next business.

I noticed that at some of the businesses there was a head of lettuce hanging for the lions to “eat”. Wikipedia tells me that this is the traditional custom of “cai qing“, “plucking the greens”. The lion dance is believed to bring good luck and fortune to the business.

It was great to see the crowds in attendance and the festive atmosphere. The Lincoln District is undergoing a period of revival with big changes in the near future. There were several interesting new businesses that I’m sure to visit, now that I know about them!

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Thinking about the proposed Tacoma Methanol Plant


I was standing in Fireman’s Park looking out over the Port of Tacoma wondering where the proposed methanol plant would be located. Once home I read that it is to be situated on the prior site of the Kaiser Aluminum Smelter on the Blair Waterway. So that would be on the far side of this photo, realistically out of sight. And I added the fog to the image for the drama.

This proposed plant would be the largest of its kind in the Pacific Northwest. Plants are also proposed to be located in the Port of Kalama, Washington and Port Westwood, Oregon. Tacoma’s plant could be operational as soon as 2020 and would produce 20,000 tons of Methanol daily. The Methanol would then be shipped to China.

I’m not going to offer an opinion before I know more, but I did find some interesting reading and sites.

I personally think we should all quickly study this issue and act accordingly. Our voices should be heard. To that end, there is a public meeting this Wednesday and it should be well worthwhile.

While I was there I photographed the classic mountain framed in the Murry Morgan Bridge and a lovely tree.






Black Sabbath at the Tacoma Dome

image2There I was driving around downtown Tacoma, looking for something to photograph. I was surprised at just how busy downtown was and while there were several photo worthy places, there was no ready parking. Discouraged I started home going past the Tacoma Dome since Pacific Avenue is still closed. I turned right into a traffic jam with a sea of people dressed in black. It was mostly folks in their 50s and 60s, some of which had kids (grandkids?!) with them. I was even more curious when I notice a small but serious group protesting. “Jesus said go and sin no more.” Once home, Siri informed me that Black Sabbath was playing their “The End” tour in Tacoma tonight. Oh that explains it. Black Sabbath is an English heavy metal band that was formed i n1968 (which explains the age of those attending). Since I was snapping photos out of my car window, I’m including “Washingtonia Domus” , the palm tree art just up the hill from the Dome.

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