Tag Archives: Spring

Downtown Tacoma with the TCC Photography Class

imageThe past six Tuesday evenings, I’ve been taking a photography class to become more familiar with my camera. Really it has been great and I have learned a bunch. Now I just need to practice! Anyway today was our end of the class photo shoot. We met outside of Freighthouse Square and took the “Trolley Tour” (the Tacoma Link), stopping along the way to capture some moments. We strolled through the University of Washington Tacoma, crossed the Bridge of Glass and toured the theater district.

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Valentine’s Day Spring Flowers

16531581111_5e514ae2d2_kI was having a Valentine’s Day meal with my Valentine when I glanced out the window towards LEED (Law Enforcement Equipment Distribution) at 6902 Sixth Avenue. It took me a moment to realize what seemed out of place to me. The rhododendrons were in full bloom! That seems crazy to me since we are only in mid-February! So then I started looking around and sure enough there were cherry trees blooming and daffodils coming up and a lovely camellia in full glory. So, I guess the ground hog was wrong for us this year, but for sure right for my friends and family in the northeast.

LEED specialize in duty gear, body armor and firearms for law enforcement and armed security professionals.

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Natural Springs, Tacoma

8743612372_6b464ccef7_b(2)Dear husband and I braved the drizzle today to join the Downtown on the Go group stroll through Tacoma’s Brewery District. It was really a fun, free tour and the light rain hardly slowed us down at all. It read more about On the Go, look here.

One of our stops was the site of a natural springs at the corner of South 25th and Jefferson proximate to the Prairie Line (the historic rail corridor). Our wonderful guide said that the water is still visible, but I didn’t see it in the quick glance I had time for. But I could tell by the vegetation that it is a damp area.


Tacoma’s Spring Fence

8649334813_688a75f233_h(1)A local coalition of Tacoma Urban Landscaping, Downtown On the go, Coalition for Active Transportation, 35 Ways to Safer Streets, The Grand Cinema and the New Tacoma Neighborhood Council organized the yarn bombing on the chain-link fence on St. Helens Avenue at 6th.An article about the project can be found on the News Tribune Blog. In addition to the knitted flowers, there were real flowers, banners and the word Spring in fabric. While I was checking out the art, I was asked for money by a guy just out of jail with a DUI, I visited with two legit looking young men scoping out location for a movie and visited briefly with the man moving the Ferrari that was in his shop.

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For a little spring color

I made a quick stop today at Lowes at 7905 South Hosmer Street, Tacoma to pick up some flowers to put in pots on the front porch.


They were pretty busy for the middle of a weekday and that made me wonder if the home improvement stores are doing well. Apparently, based on this article in the LA Times, yes they are.


Jack in the Box, Open Late

Jack in the Box, Open Late

Originally uploaded by Gexydaf

The first Friday that feels like Spring and we decide to celebrate with milkshakes, one chocolate mint and the other vanilla. This Jack in the Box at 2420 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, is pretty much like the rest. I haven’t gone into this store in forever because, to be honest, it doesn’t feel completely safe to me especially in the evening. But the drive through is fine and the drive through workers are friendly and do a good job.

Japanese Garden at Point Defiance

The new place of the day for yesterday was the Japanese Garden at Point Defiance (5400 North Pearl Street). Their website says “Azaleas, rhododendrons, Japanese cherry trees, crabapples and large and small pines flourish in the Japanese garden. An oriental footbridge, waterfall, Japanese lanterns and a small “tea house” further enhance the grounds. The garden provides a peaceful area to enjoy a bit of solitude and is especially enchanting in early spring. The Capital District of Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs helped to establish the garden in 1965 and continues to provide support.”

Pagoda at Point Defiance Park

I love driving around Point Defiance Park. It soothes my soul. Today I stopped at the Pagoda at 5801 Trolley Lane and took a couple of rainy photos. It was sensibly locked, but looking through the windows worked pretty well. One window shot makes it look like Mother Nature is taking over the building!

Per the Metro Parks Tacoma website “the Pagoda was built in 1914 as a replica of a 17th century Japanese Lodge. It was originally a waiting room for streetcars. Now this magnificent structure functions as a rental facility for weddings and other private parties as well as a venue for garden shows, lectures and concerts.”



Update 4/15/2011  the pagoda was badly damaged by a suspicious fire.


Update 12/5/12 A community grand re-opening celebration is scheduled for January 12, 2013.

Finally, Spring (at the parking lot at corner of S. 15th & Court D)

Finally by Gexydaf
Finally a photo by Gexydaf on Flickr.

Driving around today deciding on my new place of the day I finally saw my first sign of Spring! Yes! There is hope! Here in the Republic Parking Northwest Lot ($2/hour, $8/all day) there were several cherry trees blooming their cheery pink blooms. I took a couple of shots with my regular camera, as well as with the Hipstamatic app on my phone http://hipstamaticapp.com/

This particular parking lot is located at 1517 Fawcett Avenue, Tacoma, which is the Southeast corner of Fawcett Avenue and South 15th Street.