365 Blogs Worth Following

It all started with this amazing blog http://makesomething365.blogspot.com/

Other 365 projects that I’m following include:

Sarah Joannie French   http://www.sjfrenchie365.blogspot.com/

Oddments & Curiosities  http://oddments.blogspot.com/2012/02/like-water-for-oddments.html

Meep1  http://meep1.deviantart.com/art/Meepsters-Day-134-278792443

Other Blogs I like that aren’t 365

Modern Nomad  http://www.themodernnomad.com/

Duchess of Downtown http://duchessofdowntown.blogspot.com/

I am momma here me roar http://www.iammommahearmeroar.net/



Good to see you here!