Daily Archives: May 17, 2011

A Lovely Day at Les Davis Pier

It was such a lovely day that I took a quick stroll along Les Davis Pier at 3427 Ruston Way.  There were all types of folks out and about enjoying the day.  They were fishing off the pier, jogging, pushing strollers, walking hand in hand and one poor guy was sitting in his fancy car facing the water and working on his laptop.  Per the Metro Parks Tacoma site, there is an artificial reef created with piece of the old Tacoma Narrows Bridge under the pier, making it popular with scuba divers.  Les Davis was a Tacoma fisherman.

Lobster Shop on Ruston Way

Lobster Shop

Originally uploaded by Gexydaf

Yesterday I attended a function at the Lobster Shop at 4015 Ruston Way along the waterway. I love their crab dip! There are two Lobstershop Restaurants. The original opened in Dash Point in 1977 and this one opened in 1981.
