Category Archives: Food Truck

Klyde Warren Park, Dallas, TX

imageCatching Up from the Texas trip.

While in Texas I got in a short visit with some very dear friends and they took me to see the recently opened Klyde Warren Park in Downtown Dallas. The 5+ acre park opened in 2012 and is constructed over the Woodall Rodgers Freeway at the edge of the city’s art district. This privately managed park features various food trucks, a children’s area with a tree house, a dog park, outdoor seating, water features, gardens and a putting green. There was a very positive feel to the place as folks enjoyed the sunshine and one another’s company. The one photo shows my ice cream sandwich with homemade cookies and ice cream 🙂 The bee actually got stuck to my hat, making for an easy photo. Yes, he then flew away.

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Cheese Wizards, Seattle

TruckMy friend went to a Portland food truck specializing in grilled cheese and it sounded so good that I went to find one in Seattle. The owners of the Cheese Wizard were so nice and so proud of their food. As well they should be with their focused specialty. I had the Green Seer and dear husband had the Gobblin’ King, both warm and delicious.Their Facebook account is here. There were several other food trucks in the Westlake neighborhood and I thought it was wonderful that there was actually street parking spaced dedicated to them.

The truck was parked in front of the Tesla Showroom, so we stopped in there too. It was interesting to see the cars plugged in to charge and I loved sitting in one and looking at the information panel.  We were told that if we ordered one today, it would be ready in three or four months. I would have test driven one, but the traffic in the area was crazy with all the new construction.

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