Tag Archives: clothes

DFW Airport – American


I found that on the whole, DFW Airport (Dallas Fort Worth) has less public art than SeaTac Airport (Seattle Tacoma), though maybe I was just in the wrong terminal. I did find these great manikins though and thought I would share them here.  As you can see the Texas longhorn know how to dress in style 🙂







Bleach has great t-shirts

download7I met a dear friend at the Hub for dinner and while waiting for her I stopped into Bleach at 1934 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma in the University of Washington Tacoma area. They really had some nice, original t-shirts and I’m hoping to go back and pick up a few. They have a bunch of other great clothes too. Their website is here. They also have a nice selection of skateboards.

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Urban Exchange

8559042202_5073acd88dTacoma’s Urban Exchange at 1983 Pacific Avenue in the University of Washington Tacoma Branch area is pretty cool. I didn’t have much time to look, but they had some really cute clothes and shoes at dynamite prices. The space is in the McDonald Smith Building which was constructed in 1890.


Franklin Park where we now wear clothes

Franklin Park, Tacoma by Gexydaf

It was good to see the children play at Franklin Park today. The park opened in 1941. So I thought it was kind of a plain park until I read about its history at the Metro Parks Tacoma link (see below). It talked about the now filled Franklin Lake, which sadly was filled in 1969.

“Hoodlum Lake, later called Franklin Lake, was the “old swimming hole” to many boys in the West side of Tacoma. The lake was reputed to have been discovered in the early 1880s by “Biz” Burnham and his brother Nick. Sheltered by a forest of second growth timber and brush and far from the beaten path, it was an ideal place for boys to learn to swim. Some who learned to swim there recalled that it seemed like almost a five-mile walk from the residential district to the lake. John Westover, a sort of combination truant officer and patrolman, tried to make the boys wear bathing suits but the lads ignored his efforts until one day he found their hidden clothes, gathered them up, and would not relinquish them until the boys promised to wear swimming suits. Many of them then began appearing in flour sacks, with holes cut for the legs. “Pillsbury’s Best” in large red letters was splashed across the back of many an improvised bathing suit.”

Now I like Franklin Park even more!
