Tag Archives: District

Washingtonia Domus


I’ve been meaning to take photos of the five metal palm trees along 26th Street in the Dome District and today was the day! The palms were designed by Kurt Kiefer and the installation is called Washingtonia Domus”. The Tacoma Weekly did a great write up on the art and that article can be found here: http://www.tacomaweekly.com/citylife/art/public_art_dome_district_palms/

I’ve taken these photos with my Hipstamatic App on my phone.  It’s probably my favorite app ever! So very cool. This time I tried various film/lens setting and got some interesting result.



Norton Memorial Park, Tacoma

The other day when going to King’s Books, I noticed a delightfully compact city park. Yes, I must have been by it hundreds of times, but that day I really took note of it. And today in the freezing cold I went back to take some photos. The triangularly shaped park is located at 99 Tacoma Avenue South and fronts on Tacoma Avenue South, Saint Helen’s and South 1st. It has been around since 1927 and was named in honor of Percy Dunbar Norton, a Tacoma businessman and city counsel member who died at the age of 44 in April of 1900. The small park includes a commemorative column, a concrete bench, a couple of planters, an old fashioned street light and a bright blue street clock from 1993, which was not keeping accurate time.

More information about the park, including a photograph from 1927 can be found here.

Small parks like this one are often called pocket parks, as defined here