The Concrete Ferries at the end of the Thea Foss

A spring day during spring break, what a gift! So I made my dear daughter on a walk along Dock Street an East D Street (the East D Street Grade Separation Project) to look at the concrete images honoring Washington State Ferry Boats. We walked from Freighthouse Square along East D Street which is elevated over the rail tracks. Along the way are depictions of various ferries and Fire Boat #1. Each one has the general outline of its named boat. It is a nice touch.  On Dock Street I stopped to snap the panorama above.


One thought on “The Concrete Ferries at the end of the Thea Foss

  1. Marci

    I drive by there all the time and didn’t even realize that was what it was all about…next time you go, let me know and I’ll join you on the walk!

Good to see you here!