Daily Archives: December 27, 2010

New Glasses@Pearl Eyecare Center

Originally uploaded by Gexydaf

Today was all about the practical. I needed to order new eyeglasses before my benefit went away. I went to a new place for me, Pearl Eyecare Center near the Tacoma Mall. My husband has been going there for years and said they would treat me right. He was right! They spent the time I needed and actually understood how the insurance worked. I ordered two pair. The top pair have a little design on the frames and will be sunglasses. The bottom will be my day to day pair, when I’m not wearing contacts.

2505 S 38th St # A108
Tacoma, WA 98409-7372
(253) 472-1188

I would donate my older pair to charity, but my dog ate them! Rotten dog.