While walking our new pup around Wapato Lake in an effort to socialize him, I found one of the Park’s original entrances off of Wapato Lake Drive. Pup and I had taken the long way around the lake, crossing a narrow bridge and passing the largest field of cat tails that I’ve ever seen. We came out of the minor upper lake path to the site of two entry markers that said “Built by WPA”. The history of Wapato Lake is very interesting and can be found here.
Tag Archives: dog
Bresemann Forest, Spanaway
I wanted to spend some time with my dog, Lilly, so I asked her what she wanted to do. She suggested a full day of doggie treats and napping. But taking a walk was a solid second choice. So off we went to Bresemann Forest in Spanaway Park, next to the Sprinker Recreation Center. Just the word forest brings up an image of mysterious woods to me, so I was pretty excited. There is a lovely metal archway leading into the forest and plenty of parking next to it. The trails were clean, well maintained and unmarked, so we just set off along the main trail. Almost immediately I noticed a big dog coming toward us on a leash. Knowing that my dog is insane and will bark her head off (its us, not you), we veered to the smaller trail and didn’t see anybody else the rest of our stroll. Despite the fact that the weather guy promised only clouds it started to rain, so we didn’t stay as long as originally planned. I hear there is a quaint bridge and a pond, but that will have to wait.
Next to the forest is a huge rock designed for climbing and there were about 25 people there learning the ropes (so to speak).
The forest has its own Facebook Page 🙂

Star Wars Family
DeYoung Park, Woodinville
Continuing my art month, I made a point to find art while visiting Woodinville today. The .62 acre DeYoung Park is located in Woodinville’s Town Center across the street from Molbak’s. It is known for hosting public events and features picnic tables under what is undoubtedly lovely in the spring wisteria.
The park’s statue which features a woman gardening with a dog by her side is titled Gardener. It was created by Georgia Gerber and installed in 2005. Ms. Gerber has an amazing portfolio of statues including the famous Rachel the Pig at Pike Place Market in Seattle. http://www.georgiagerber.com/
Titlow Beach on the 4th of July
Some of the things we saw today while visiting Titlow Beach:
- Lots of tiny crabs, some with egg sacks
- Folks sunbathing
- A man and his dog boating away in his inflatable canoe
- A starfish
- A wedding
- The Narrows Bridges
- Canada Geese
- A low tide
- The remains of the original pier
- Trains, both freight and passenger
Altogether, a good outing!
Need a bunny? Go to the Humane Society
A darling little pup was wandering near a busy street and my husband took him home for safe keeping for the night. The dog was obviously somebody’s loved pet, but I didn’t find any signs or see anybody looking. So today I took him to the Tacoma Pierce Co. Humane Society, so that he can be reunited with his rightful owner.
The Humane Society does good work and I respect them for it. There website is here: http://www.thehumanesociety.org/
Note, although I took a photo of a darling rabbit, it is only a good pet if you are ready for the responsibility. If you’re not ready for bunny ownership, then buy a delicious chocolate rabbit for Easter!
New Glasses@Pearl Eyecare Center
Originally uploaded by Gexydaf
Today was all about the practical. I needed to order new eyeglasses before my benefit went away. I went to a new place for me, Pearl Eyecare Center near the Tacoma Mall. My husband has been going there for years and said they would treat me right. He was right! They spent the time I needed and actually understood how the insurance worked. I ordered two pair. The top pair have a little design on the frames and will be sunglasses. The bottom will be my day to day pair, when I’m not wearing contacts.
2505 S 38th St # A108
Tacoma, WA 98409-7372
(253) 472-1188
I would donate my older pair to charity, but my dog ate them! Rotten dog.