Daily Archives: September 10, 2012

Proposed Half Way House in the Hilltop

The other day I found a flyer on my car window bringing awareness of a proposed half way house on the Hilltop. The building is a non assuming single family house, but from what I’ve read it is in close proximity to a school, a boys and girls club and a daycare. The facebook page against the proposed use can be found here http://www.facebook.com/nograntave.halfwayhouse. An article on the disputed house can be found here http://www.thenewstribune.com/2012/07/10/2210752/hilltop-residents-share-sex-offender.html. There are many signs scattered throughout the neighborhood, such as the one below.


Fremont Troll

You know the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff? Remember the troll? Well, the Fremont neighborhood in Seattle has its own troll located on N. 36th Street at Troll Avenue N., under the north end of the George Washington Memorial Bridge (also known as the Aurora Bridge). In the troll’s gnarly hand is an actual VW Bug, that I assume he snatched off the bridge.  The troll was built in 1990 as part of an effort to clean up the area. It has indeed become a popular tourist attraction with a dozen or so folks stopping to play (the kids) or take photos while I was there. Per Wikipedia “The Troll was sculpted by four local artists: Steve Badanes, Will Martin, Donna Walter, and Ross Whitehead.” I’m not in love with the current orange decorations on the troll, but I’m hoping its a temporary thing. To see the troll without the orange and to read more, go to http://fremont.com/about/fremonttroll-html/

Update 2/13 Here is a photo of a model of the Troll that was at Seattle’s Museum of History and Industry
