Daily Archives: December 27, 2014

Jimi Hendrix Statue on Capital Hill

15492143614_c6bb128d11_kI’ve been wanting to go visit Capital Hill again to see Elliot Bay Books and just walk around. So dear husband and I visited with the goal of capturing the statue of Jimi Hendrix. It’s good to have goals. Jimi is situated outside of Blix Art Supplies. The statue was sculpted by Daryl Smith and was originally installed in 1997 in front of AEI Music Network, Inc. at 900 E. Pine St., though they have since moved.

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Holiday Lights behind the Kmart on 6th Ave

IMG_2331After a lovely time having coffee with my friend and then the two of us going to visit another friend I found myself near Cloverleaf Pizza. While waiting for my to go order, I drove around in the area behind Kmart on 6th Avenue and enjoyed the lights. Here is a sampling of the sights. While snapping the large manger the owner’s son (I think) came out. I congratulated him on the display and he said his parents were very proud of it. Kind of a nice moment.

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