Category Archives: Community Space

Al Davies Boys & Girls Club


I really admire today’s new place of the day. Al Davies Branch of the Puget Sound Boys and Girls Club is located at 1620 S. 17th St., Tacoma, WA 98405, (253) 502-4631.  This facility provides a safe and enriching place for children between the hours of 2:30 and 7, Monday – Friday.

The organizations webpage says that  Boys & Girls Clubs provides our community’s children with:
1. A safe place to learn and grow
2. Ongoing relationships with caring, adult professionals
3. Life-enhancing programs and character development
4. Hope and opportunity

This is a Kids At Hope facility and the children recite the Kids At Hope pledge daily:
I am a kid at hope.
I am talented, smart and capable of success.
I have dreams for the future, and I will climb to reach those dreams and goals every day.

No child is ever turned away for economic reasons.

Zoolights @ Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium

 Most holiday seasons we make our way to Zoolights at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. We had good weather (no rain) and the display was as delightful as always. On the way out, we saw a zoo owl with its human.

The link for Zoolights is

And the link for the zoo is

I’d write more, but I want to go watch the eclipse!


Urban Grace


We were fortunate this evening to attend a performance at Urban Grace Church in downtown Tacoma.  While I’ve often admired the Gothic Revival style church, I’d not been previously been inside.   This imposing four story building, which is on the historic register, was constructed in 1925 with F.H. Heath acting as the architect.  From 1884 to 1923, the site was occupied by the original First Baptist Church. Until 2005 the church had been know as First Baptist Church.

F. H. Heath was also the architect for Stadium High School, Lincoln High School, Pythian Temple (all in Tacoma) and Paradise Inn at Mt. Rainier.

To see a photograph of the current building when it was under construction, go to:

In the Fall of 2010, Tacoma Arts Commission’s presented the 2010 “Arts Patron” award AMOCAT Art Awards to the Urban Grace Church for their support of the arts in Tacoma. The Arts Commission stated “Urban Grace’s commitment is exemplified in their establishment of the Poet Laureate position for Tacoma in 2008, their partnership with Fab-5 to create a mural for the Rialto Theater in 2010 and in providing ongoing opportunities for exhibition and performance in all artistic disciplines.”

902 Market Street
Tacoma, WA 98402-3605
(253) 272-2184 

Urban Grace’s website is at

And a Facebook Page devoted to the building being added to the Tacoma Register of Historic Places is here.

Tacoma Little Theater Mural

Tacoma Little Theater Mural

Originally uploaded by Gexydaf

This is an older photo (when it wasn’t raining) of today’s new place. The mural of a stage with famous characters and scenes is on the side of the Tacoma Little Theatre Building. The property is at 210 N. I Street in the Stadium District and had originally been an auto repair shop. It was sold to the Tacoma Drama League in 1940 and became a theater.

Per information from Tacoma Public Library the Tacoma Little Theatre is one of the oldest community theaters in existence in the United States. A photo of the building from 1960 can be found here.

Information about the theater is at

The mural was created by Mary Mann, who also did the mural on Stadium Thriftway. Check out her website, she does lovely work!