Charlotte’s Blueberry Park

Charlotte’s Blueberry Park at 7402 ‘D’ Street is a 20 acre public park with well over 3,000 blueberry bushes. I’ve never seen so many. There are five variety of bushes and all of them were full of unripened berries. I am sure to be back come July when hopefully they are ripe. The public is welcome to pick the berries, which have no pesticides on them.

The property has been farmed since 1952 and was purchased in 1968 by the Tacoma School District in 1968 for a new high school. The neighborhood opposed the proposed high school and in 1994 traded 23 acres of the property to Metro Parks in exchange for the acreage that became Manitou Elementary School. Over the past few years Metro Parks with the help of volunteers has planted thousands of bushes, installed a paved trail, picnic tables and signage.

The park was named for long-time Blueberry Park advocate and founder of Friends of Blueberry Park, Charlotte Valbert.

The website for the park is here


3 thoughts on “Charlotte’s Blueberry Park

  1. Karin

    I would like to get in contact with the “Friends of Blueberry Park” who are doing a wonderful job keeping up the park to the best of their ability. I understand they are in need of volunteers and would like to help out when I can. Who leads this group now and what is their contact info?

  2. admin Post author

    I’m sure they would value your help. I would call the Parks Department (253) 305-1000 and ask them for the contact info. Thanks for volunteering!

  3. KB

    I had to share that my kids and I went to blueberry park tonight. Instead of picking blueberries we got stuck in the middle of a gang shooting and had to take cover in a nearby home. Unfortunately, my 7 year old son witnessed the whole thing. VIOLENT CRIME NOW GRIPS THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND PARK! The Tacoma Police Department are doing nothing to increase patrol or protection. This is the 3rd shoot out in 1 year. The Tacoma Police didn’t even respond to our three 911 calls during the shooting last summer. It is sad that we can no longer safely go to our favorite park. I encourage ALL citizens to call our Mayor and start demanding a much larger office patrol on bikes and in vehicles to keep our kids safe. They actively patrol in Proctor District! Why not the Eastside?.

Good to see you here!