FlowerHouse is wonderful!

I really love the FlowerHouse at 618 South 15th Street (and South ‘G’ Street)! It is a temporary photographic art instillation by Duncan Price and funded through a grant from the Tacoma Artists Initiative Program (TAIP). Each window in this 1907, three story house (apartments?) has a full paned photography of a flower which is back-lighted.



2 thoughts on “FlowerHouse is wonderful!

  1. Duncan Price

    Hi there! Thanks so much for sharing FlowerHouse Tacoma on your blog! Great to hear you are enjoying it. One correction: my name is Duncan Price (not James). If you don’t mind updating your post, that would be great. All the best.

  2. admin Post author

    Drat! So sorry about that. It’s fixed! And well done on the FlowerHouse, I’m looking forward to the next installment 😀

Good to see you here!