Giant Shoe Museum, Seattle

Giant ShoeHow could I have lived here all this time and not have known that Seattle had the World Famous Giant Shoe Museum! It’s in the lower level of the Pike Place Market and the photo shows all of it. For $1.00 in quarters one can see the entire exhibit. The stool on the left cost $.50 and the two in the middle cost $0.25 each and the one on the right explains the museum ad is free. The museum was built in 1997 by Sven Sundbaum and is next to Old Seattle Paperworks. One of the windows features the size 37 shoes of the world’s tallest man, Robert Wadlow. That is him on the mural in his real height of 8’11.1″. Robert Wadlow died at the age of 22 after complications from blister. 40,000 people attended his funeral. When I stand next to him, the top of my head is in the middle of the W of his last name. 11485114596_27375cfbf6_b

2 thoughts on “Giant Shoe Museum, Seattle

  1. admin Post author

    Thanks, Sven Sundbaum, thanks for letting me know. I made the change. What a very cool museum you have there!

Good to see you here!