Tacoma Mausoleum

10525464875_c0230f91b8_bLast Sunday I went to visit the Tacoma Mausoleum. The hours listed were until 5, but it was closed at 4. It While it was locked, there was a window broken out (darn vandals), so I carefully aimed my camera through the opening. The sign inside the building states that the first unit was constructed in 1910, the second in 1917 and the third in 1925.

Their website is here.

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One thought on “Tacoma Mausoleum

  1. Miriam D. Stephenson

    Zenis Emory was my great-grandfather, my father’s grandfather. I grew up playing in the cemetery when I was very young, climbing around on the Lord’s prayer and Psalm 23 Bible Page. Later as a teenager I helped to cut the grass. My parents eventually inherited it and it was passed to me as a holder. It was sold when they moved to Tennessee. I still love to look into the eyes of the Jesus statue, they are powerful if you stare into them for some time. I was told it did come from Italy.

Good to see you here!