Tag Archives: car

LeMay Car Museum

8292383887_ba67d206fa_nThe family took advantage of Art Walk night by going to the LeMay Car Museum at 2702 East D., Tacoma. This is the last time they will be participating in Art Walk and instead they have an initiative to put tickets into the hands of low income and military families. The museum was as wonderful in the inside as it looks from the outside It was good to listen to dear husband explaining the different cars to dear daughter. They had one of my first cars (a 1966 Mustang), a car I’d really like (a Mini Cooper) and my dream car (a gorgeous Jaguar).






It’s a Car, It’s a Plane

Everybody in my family except me had been to the Museum of Flight at 9404 East Marginal Way S. Seattle, WA 98108-4097. My dear daughter thought it was a good idea to take me here for mother’s day and a couple of weeks later here we are. The picture about shows a car that turns into a plane (or a plane that turns into a car).

The museum’s website states “The Museum of Flight’s fundamental goals are: to acquire and preserve a wide array of materials and artifacts relating to aviation and space history and to provide a center for the scholarly research of these materials and artifacts. The Museum holds one of the largest and most comprehensive air and space collections in the United States, containing millions of rare photographs and negatives, a world-class library, tens of thousands of artifacts, and over 150 rare aircraft and space vehicles.”


The Past Along South Tacoma Way

South Tacoma Way has some spiffy public art. Today I stopped to admire this mural located at 5438 South Tacoma Way which features scenes from the strips past and present. The mural is on the Heritage Bank Building. Although that is the name of building, it is vacant with Heritage Bank is down the street at 5448 South Tacoma Avenue.

To see more photographs of the property both before and after the mural, go here.