Originally uploaded by Gexydaf
Today’s new place of the day is Great Harvest Bread in the Green Firs Shopping, University Place. As soon as I walked in the door and smelled the wonderful bread aroma, I knew there was bread in my immediate future. I walked out with a loaf of delicious Cinnamon Chip and three cinnamon buns. I think I’ll come back on a Monday and try a loaf of the Cheddar Garlic. The other nearby Great Harvest locations are in Federal Way, Puyallup, Seattle and Bellevue. According to their web page Great Harvest’s mission is to “be loose and fun, bake phenomenal bread, run fast to help customers, create strong exciting bakeries, and give generously to others.” Can’t argue with that
Update: The store’s space is now available for lease, as of November 2015. Other Great Harvest locations appear to be open.