Tag Archives: DuPont

Annie’s Walk, DuPont

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Dad and the two kids are going for a  rainy day stroll near the public sidewalk in DuPont on Center Street near McNeil Street. The statue is called Annie’s Walk.

Update 12/16 – I discovered that the artist is Judy Phipps Mickelson and that she used her own family as the models. The piece is a bronze and there are similar pieces available for sale. The artist’s website is here.

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The Ginkgo Trees of DuPont

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A few weeks ago, I went on a photo walk in DuPont and noticed these Gingko trees. Somebody in the group mentioned that the leaves turn a lovely yellow. I can see that beginning, but our unseasonably warm weather must be keeping them green a little longer than normal. They are lovely anyway. I don’t know the name of the little park like area next to the history museum, but that’s where the trees are. I discovered on the internet that the tree is considered a living fossil and that the fruit smells bad. The species of tree was once widespread, but eventually ended up primarily in China. Fossils going back 270 million years have been found.