Tag Archives: performance artist

Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle

8604972732_89d9388de4_bI needed to drive dear daughter and her dear friend up to Seattle for an anime convention this morning and thought since it was such an incredibly beautiful day that I’d finally check out the Olympic Sculpture Park at 2901 Western Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121. The park has its own parking garage (how cool is that?!) and for $10 I could stay all day. There are two building in the park. The first is the PACCAR Pavilion, which has restrooms, a small gift store and several exhibits including the wonderful mural pictured below (Encontro das Águas (Encounter of Waters) by Brazilian artist Sandra Cinto). The second building is actually one of the permanent sculpture pieces, Neukom Vivarium by Mark Dion. That piece features a 60′ nurse log in an 80′ greenhouse building that simulates the original forest ecosystem.

There are 18 sculpture pieces altogether, some permanent and some temporary. Alexander Calder’s The Eagle (1971) is perhaps the most striking sculpture, with its strong lines and vibrant red color showing nicely against the blue of Elliott Bay. Also distinctive is Typewriter Eraser, Scale X by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen (1998-1999). I’ve also included Richard Serra’s Wake (2004), Louise Bourgeois’ Father and Son (2004–2006) and Roxy Paine’s Split (2003). And just because she is so cool, the performance artist at Pike’s Place Market.

There are plenty of chairs in the park and people were sunning, reading, walking, visiting, admiring and jogging. Really, it was a happening place!