Tag Archives: Redmond

Velodrome at Marymoore Park

17473898391_3f8d33bc41_kWashington State’s only velodrome (a cycle-racing track, typically with steeply banked curves) is the Velodrome at Marymoore Park in Redmond, WA. Dear husband and I checked it out today. There were only a couple of folks causally biking the loop on this lovely day. Velodrome racing was a popular sport in the U.S from the early 1800s to the 1930s and has been a part of the Olympic Games since 1896. There are about 26 functioning velodromes across the country. Interesting fact, the bicycles that race the track can go speeds of upward of 50 mph and have no brakes.

While at Marymoore, we also checked out the spectacular rock climbing wall and the turn of the century Windmill in the Willowmoor farmstead area.

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I guess we’ve reached that stage of life where we are looking at colleges. Today is my dear daughter’s birthday and we celebrated by going to visit DigiPen Institute of Technology at 9931 Willows Rd NE  Redmond, WA 98052. Digipen has five undergraduate degree programs

The Undergraduate Degree Programs are:

  • BFA in Digital Art and Animation
  • BA in Game Design
  • BS in Computer Science in Real Time Interactive Simulation
  • BS in Computer Engineering
  • BS in Game Design

So, it is a pretty narrow focus, but they have a great reputation for what they do.
