Tag Archives: religion

Creation Evidence Museum, Glen Rose, Texas

A few years back I found the Dinosaur Valley State Park in Glen Rose State Park and I was enchanted at the chance to stand in an actual dinosaur footprint. On the way there I noticed the Creation Evidence Museum, 3102 FM 205, Glen Rose, Texas 76043. Well this Texas trip I went back to check out the museum because I think it is good for me to explore different view points and a fair number of folks must believe in creation because there are two US museums devoted to this topic. This one in Glen Rose is the smaller of the two. The 27 million dollar Creation Museum in Kentucky has a full size replica of Noah’s Ark! In fact this article, based on a Gallop poll, states 46% of the US adult population believes in Creationism (God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so).

General impressions:

  • The 45 minute introductory video by the museum director, Carl Baugh, walked the audience through many of the museum’s exhibits. If I wasn’t such a skeptic (thanks dad) I would have found it very convincing. Wikipedia suggests that there is controversy around Mr. Baugh’s theories.
  • I’m learning that I didn’t really understand the theory of creationism. The video suggested that the earth, animals, dinosaurs, people and all was put into place in seven actual earth days. Charts were presented. The science was explained. Biblical passages were quoted.
  • I really enjoyed many of the exhibits. I like dinosaurs and there were a few to see. I like the Noah’s ark story and there was a really large model of the ark. I like models.
  • The people that worked there were sincerely nice.
  • The museum was well maintained and the bathrooms were clean.
  • Nobody preached at me.
  • Per the museum’s information dinosaurs and humans existed at the same time and the earth is about 6,000 years old.
  • I had trouble getting my head around dinosaurs being on Noah’s ark (let’s just assume that there really was a Noah’s ark). So I read up on it. The logic is that some of the larger dinosaurs were taken as babies, so not so big at the time. And many of the dinosaurs actually were little. And the water dinosaurs didn’t need the ark. You can see the dinosaurs on the ark in the model (go ahead, look)
  • But what happened to the dinosaurs under that scenario?! One article suggested that they tasted like chicken and were a food source. Well ok then.
  • I liked the holiday decorations on the t-rex head.
  • There was a Pulsed Magnetic Field (PMF) unit which looked like a long tube. The sign on it stated in bold, all cap, underlined, red letters “Our magnetic field unit is not turned on at any time during public visits to the museum. You are not under the field’s influence at this moment!” Well, I hadn’t really been worried about it. There was a glass pane missing and I’d think it would have to be a sealed unit to work. I’d kind of like to know the last time it actually was turned on.
  • The full size replica of the Guttenberg was fascinating.
  • I had no idea that Tom Landry was so very involved with Creationism. He was the coach of the Dallas Cowboys when I lived in the Dallas area. There is a larger than life size statue of him at the museum. It is next to a statue of a native American. Mr. Landry was also featured on the video.

So there you have it. I’m glad I went. It certainly didn’t convince me of creationism, but I came away with a better understanding of what it is and why people believe it. There were a bunch of children there and this information is being presented as fact.

The museum costs $6 a person (5 and under are free). Their website is here. Personally I think that no matter what you believe, it is worthwhile to visit. I gained interesting insights.

Seu MI Sa Temple

Seu Ml Sa Temple is located at 227 East 72nd Street has intrigued me for a long time. The grounds are lovely, the statues inspiring and the details on the temple amazing. The temple doesn’t have much of a web presence, but I gather that visitors are welcome at certain times. When I was there a lady came up to me smiling and asked if I was taking photos. I said yes and asked if that was OK and she smiled and said oh yes!




Tacoma Vietnamese Alliance Church

Today I made a quick stop at this interesting neighborhood church. The Lincoln District has an international flair, with an emphasis on Asian Countries. The informational sign is in both English and Vietnamese.

While there does not seem to be a dedicated web presence for this particular church, the Tacoma Vietnamese Alliance Church, there is a website for the Alliance Church in general. I enjoyed reading their quote “The Alliance is a unique missionary denomination—a maverick movement into whose soul the Head of the Church breathed “Go!” from the very start. —L.L. King, C&MA President (1978-1987)”


There are three other Alliance Churches in Tacoma.

Slavic Christian Center, Tacoma


I’ve often admired the golden dome of the Slavic Christian Center at 2014 South 15th, Tacoma. Today I caught the dome in the morning light and then later in the day I went back for some more photos. The first service was held on Christmas Day 2001 and the building has a capacity of 1,160 people.

The church has an extensive website


St. Rita of Cascia Italy Catholic Church

Originally uploaded by Gexydaf
Well, this new place of the day was more fun than I originally expected! I thought I would just take a quick photo of a small church that I admired. But when I looked up St. Rita of Cascia, she has quite a story!

She was married at 12 (yes, 12!) to an awful man who was eventually killed.

Her two sons planned to avenge their father’s murder, but Rita knew that murder was wrong, so she prayed for her sons to die instead. They did.

While praying to suffer like Jesus, a thorn from a crucifixion figure fell from the crown of thorns and left a deep wound in her forehead. This wound never healed.

Originally she was wanted to enter the monastery, but she was denied because of her husband’s deserved reputation. She was transported into the convent (though locked doors) by her three patron saints, including John the Baptist. At that point she was allowed to stay.

The church itself is simple and lovely. I was particularly impressed with the steeple and the mural over the entry door. The address is 1403 South Ainsworth, Tacoma.  The building was constructed in 1922 and is on the historic register.

The website Places of Worship states “A number of Jesuit parishes began as ministries to distinct ethnic communities. A good example is St. Rita of Cascia in Tacoma, Washington. Founded in 1922 to serve specifically the area’s Italian immigrants, it became a geographical parish in 1979. While the congregation is still predominantly Italian-American, it has welcomed a number of Vietnamese families. With 283 registered households, affording a real chance for members of the community to get to know one another, St. Rita has a genuine sense of a family.”  http://www.companymagazine.org/v222/placesofworship.htm

The website includes more information about services and mission. http://www.stritatacoma.org/index.php

Note:  The picture of Rita is not from the church.