Daily Archives: August 8, 2013

Tacoma’s School of the Arts

9466911043_151f2c24a6_c(1)So it seemed appropriate on my dear daughter’s last full day with us for a while to go visit her old school to pick up her most excellent high school transcripts. School of the Arts (SOTA) has both administrative space and classrooms in the old Post Office.



Grand Central Bakery


I picked my dear daughter up at the airport and she was hungry for lunch. So we swung by Grand Central Bakery at 626 SW 152nd St., Burien, WA 98166. I had the BLT and dear daughter had a grill cheese and both were delicious. In particular the bread for our sandwiches was a treat. The artisan bakery is part of a small chain located in Seattle and Portland. The restaurant space is simple and full of light. The staff was welcoming and patient while we came to our lunch order decision. Grand Central’s website is here.
