McKinley School, under 300 students

Tacoma Public School has announced that it may close schools in order to save money. Foss is the high school they are considering and elementary schools with less than 300 students are also possibilities. These elementary schools are Franklin, Lyon, Roosevelt, Stanley, McKinley, Wainwright and Geiger. Geiger has had a program change and has been taken off the table. I thought over the next week or so, I’d take photographs of the mentioned schools and use them as my new places of the day.

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The first is McKinley Elementary School at 3702 McKinley Avenue in Tacoma’s Eastside. Their school mascot is the Roadrunner. The original building was constructed in 1908 with additions in 1910 and 1954. It was designed by Frederick Heath, architect and named after the 25th President of the United States, William McKinley. Fredrick Heath was a busy architect! He also designed Oakland School Urban Grace Titlow Lodge Tacoma Public School’s CAB

McKinley School is considered a high priority to be placed on the historic register.

To see a darling photograph of McKinley first graders from 1927 go to

Note that there are 30 desks in that classroom!

For more historic photos, check out this page from Tacoma Public Library.

One thought on “McKinley School, under 300 students

  1. Kairi Brincefield

    Please don’t close this school and demolish it or something I went there as a kid till 3rd grade but that school is soooooo important to me I’m in tears right now I have a very very very strong connection to mckinney and I would fail school fail life fail everything because my home (I consister it a home) is the only place I feel safe (besides my real home) I will go down with that SCHOOL IF I HAVE TO! That school means soooooooooooooooooooooooo much to me please keep mckinney open or I will fall and fail I will go down with mckinley no matter what happens to it sincerely Kairi Brincefield.

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