Tag Archives: register

Leonard Barn, Pullman


While visiting dear daughter over Spring Break, I had a rare day to myself and decided to go find the historic Leonard barn. So I stopped at the WSU visitor center and they told me where it is (they were so nice). I drove a long ways on a kind of paved road and missed it, but ended up in Moscow, ID. While there I asked their visitor center where it was. They were really nice too. After spending some quality time in Moscow, I went back on the long, kind of paved road and this time I actually found the barn! I would have guess that it was in Pullman or unincorporated Whitman County, but documentation shows it in Colfax.

The Leonard Barn, is located on Old Moscow Road. It was built in 1917 and restored in 2001. Originally built to house cows, horses, hay and grain, and the owner was a farmer/educator.  The restoration included replacing the cupola that was blown off during a windstorm. The barn isn’t actually round, but instead it is a twelve sided polygon. It was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1986 and the nomination form is here.


Grays Harbor Lighthouse, the tallest in Washington

9567640608_dc4d7cb376_oThe 107′ Grays Harbor Lighthouse in Westport is the tallest lighthouse in Washington State and the third tallest on the West Coast. It was built in 1898 by architect Carl W. Leick to provide a guiding beacon for ships entering Grays Harbor. I said to my dear husband that I was surprised to see that the lighthouse was so far away from the Pacific Ocean. In reading the history I discovered that the lighthouse was originally 400′ from the high tide line, but because of build up caused mostly by the jetty system now in place at the entrance of Grays Harbor, the lighthouse is now 3,000′ from the high tide line. In 1998 the property was leased and then renovated by the Westport-South Beach Historical Society and in 2001 public tours began. In 2004 the Historic Society became the owners of their lighthouse under the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act. The property is on the National Historic Register.


James Agnew Residence


Originally uploaded by Gexydaf

I have to confess that I keep a list of Pierce County properties on the historic register in my car. I suspect that isn’t normal, but I’m alright with it! This lovely house at 605 South G is a Stick Style home built in 1889, 1890 or 1906 depending on the source. It is called the James Agnew Residence. It has been used as an attorney’s office. To see how the property looked in 1986, you can go here http://search.tacomapubliclibrary.org/buildings/bldg1image.asp?j=1&o=1&n=15292&i=1939#text

McKinley School, under 300 students

Tacoma Public School has announced that it may close schools in order to save money. Foss is the high school they are considering and elementary schools with less than 300 students are also possibilities. These elementary schools are Franklin, Lyon, Roosevelt, Stanley, McKinley, Wainwright and Geiger. Geiger has had a program change and has been taken off the table. I thought over the next week or so, I’d take photographs of the mentioned schools and use them as my new places of the day.

Read more: http://www.thenewstribune.com/2011/01/19/1509242/foss-students-fret-over-possible.html#ixzz1Bn2OnEp6

The first is McKinley Elementary School at 3702 McKinley Avenue in Tacoma’s Eastside. Their school mascot is the Roadrunner. The original building was constructed in 1908 with additions in 1910 and 1954. It was designed by Frederick Heath, architect and named after the 25th President of the United States, William McKinley. Fredrick Heath was a busy architect! He also designed

http://blog.firsttries.com/?p=2012 Oakland School

http://blog.firsttries.com/?p=1961 Urban Grace

http://blog.firsttries.com/?p=1335 Titlow Lodge

http://blog.firsttries.com/?p=2370 Tacoma Public School’s CAB

McKinley School is considered a high priority to be placed on the historic register. http://www.tacomadailyindex.com/portals-code/list.cgi?paper=88&cat=23&id=1889351&more=0

To see a darling photograph of McKinley first graders from 1927 go to


Note that there are 30 desks in that classroom!

For more historic photos, check out this page from Tacoma Public Library.
