Morrell’s Stadium Dry Cleaning

8286664374_f54e9cb77a_zSo, I was cold and tired and really just wanted to go home. But I got talked into stopping at Stadium Thriftway for some of their soup. While there I ran over to Morrell’s Stadium Dry Cleaning at 608 North First Street and snapped a photo. The building was constructed in 1928 and apparently has always been a dry cleaner, starting as the Puget Sound Cleaners. Their website is here

Side note to the young man who was yelling at his girlfriend through the payphone, complaining about your “soon to be ex-girlfriend” to me in no way makes me inclined to give you bus money to Everett. Just saying. And to the guy that I thought might be stealing a bottle of wine from Stadium Thriftway … really?!

Good to see you here!