Pagliacci Pizza, Edmonds

8648573071_d10c126d54_bSo the plan was to have my meeting and then walk around the charming city of Edmonds, snapping photos of the lovely murals and sculptures and whatever. But that plan was foiled when it started raining really, really hard and then sleeting! Fine. On the way out of town I stopped at perhaps my favorite pizza chain, Pagliacci at  10200 Edmonds Way. This Pagliacci is in a new building, I assume designed for them. It’s really nice looking, great angles and lots of light. The staff was friendly. After I paid for my large Margaretta Pizza, I checked in with Four Square. My phone happily chirped at me that because I checked in I deserve free bread sticks! So I danced back to the counter and showed them my phone and they said “of course”. Now that is customer service!

Just as well that I got the free bread sticks because the drive home to Tacoma was awful, pouring rain and so much sleet or hail that it seemed like there was a slippery inch of it on the highway! Crazy. The delicious bread sticks filled my belly and helped me resist trying to take a slice of pizza out of the box 😉

When I went to the University Pigliacci (the original one) last June, the chain had 22 locations and now they have 24. None in Pierce County though.

And for a joyous moment watch this video of workers tossing pies!

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One thought on “Pagliacci Pizza, Edmonds

  1. Mary

    I’m so jealous of you, eating Pagliacci pizza – it was our favorite back in the day when we could go to Seattle. So glad you made it home safely – what a nasty day it was.

Good to see you here!