Tag Archives: bond

Edible Book Festival at the Collins Memorial Library at UPS

8612732922_ca0d1afc7f_bThe Edible Book Festival took place in the Collin Memorial Library at the University of Puget Sound. My favorite was Jello Pages, which was covered in a cheerful yellow jello. It was all I could do not to tap it to see it wiggle 😀

Below are photos of the one day exhibit and some of the exhibits. The art includes Little Men (with small gingerbread men), Ketchup in the Rye, Who is Afraid of Virginia Ham and Moveable Feast (the banana). There is also a photo of the library (interior and exterior) and the bound periodicals entrance. The last one lead to an interesting conversation about old fashioned library practices. The library was constructed in 1954.


DeLong Elementary School

8413129330_9e01f8b2a2_bDeLong Elementary School is a neighborhood school located at 4901 South 14th Street, Tacoma. There mascot is a Dragon and their motto is “Preparing all students for a bright and productive future” .There are about 400 students enrolled.

If the most recent school bond passes DeLong will receive some upgrades, which can be seen here http://www.tacoma.k12.wa.us/information/2013%20Bond%20Issue%20Materials/SchoolPoster-INFO%28side1%29-Delong.pdf
