Tag Archives: dahlias

The Dahlia Trial Gardens at Point Defiance


When I think of large displays of dahlias I usually think of the Connell’s Dahlia or perhaps the Washington State Fair. But Point Defiance Park also has a large display, the Dahlia Trial Gardens, which is right next door to the Rose Gardens and everything seemed to be in bloom!  I had gone to join my good friends at a picnic and really enjoyed my time with them. Afterwards I wandered all the gardens, enjoying the sunshine and snapping away. This Dahlia Trial Garden is one of eight in the entire United States that is sanctioned by the American Dahlia Society. It is managed by the Washington State Dahlia Society. Post Defiance has an excellent article on the gardens.

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Amazing Dahlias at Connells

For years now dear daughter and I try to visit Connell’s Dahlia Farm (10616 Waller Road E. Tacoma, WA 98446. Phone: 253-531-0292) around the time of the Western Washington State Fair. They have acres of dahlias in lovely colors and various sizes and shapes.  For only $6.00 we purchased a bouquet  of the flowers to brighten our home during the predicted stormy days ahead. Per their website, the Connell Family has been growing dahlias since 1966 and has won many awards because of their spectacular flowers!
