Wainwright School, under 300 students

Tacoma Public School has announced that it may close schools in order to save money. Foss is the high school they are considering and elementary schools with less than 300 students are also possibilities. These elementary schools are Franklin, Lyon, Roosevelt, Stanley, McKinley, Wainwright and Geiger. Geiger has had a program change and has been taken off the table. Wainwright, in Fircrest, is the last of the elementary schools that I am writing about.

Read more about possible school closures at : http://www.thenewstribune.com/2011/01/19/1509242/foss-students-fret-over-possible.html#ixzz1Bn2OnEp6


Today’s school is Wainwright Elementary at 130 Alameda Avenue. Their mascot is the wildcat. The original school opened in 1911 and was called Regents Park. There was one teacher, Mrs. C.D. Bangs and she taught 1st through 3rd grades there. The one room school closed in 1914 because of lack of students. But it reopened in 1915. It almost closed in 1917, when there were 13 students. A new school opened there in 1924 and was named FIrcrest. In 1948 the school wa added on to and renamed Wainwright after a famous general in World War II. General Wainwright traveled from Texas to Fircrest to be at the school’s dedication. The school was again added on to in 1957 adn remodeling was done in 1971. In 1984 the school had a student population of 292 students and the Citizen’s Committee for School Facilities Planning recommends that Wainwright be closed.

To see the school as it appeared in 1924, see this link from the Tacoma Public Library.

One thought on “Wainwright School, under 300 students

  1. Monex

    Wainwright School in Lansing, MI serves 275 elementary school students and is one of among 25 other elementary schools in the community. This school operates grades KG-6 with the majority of students enrolled being Black making up about seventy-five percent of the student body. Lansing is a highly urbanized area with the majority of the community being White and a median household income of 34 833. The head school administrator Miss Ladonna Mask oversees the daily operations of the school. Wainwright School is registered as a magnet school providing its student body with specialized courses or curricula. This school is eligible for state and federal financial aid via the school-wide Title I program which plays an important role in helping fund school operations and provides assistance to low-income and at risk students.

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