Tag Archives: summer

The Dunes near Pullman


The Dunes near Pullman, WA is a recreational student hangout and a lot of fun. Dear daughter and I went on a hot day just prior to school’s beginning. It wasn’t at all what I expected. It was about 40 minutes away from the dorms and there was a big, switchback hill involved. To get to the Dunes, which are actually in the small town of Pomeroy, the county seat and the only town in Garfield County. You have to actually cross the Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River. The crossing itself was a surprise. I pulled up to the gate and the uniformed attendant wrote down my license number, then I was allowed to pull all the way up and he asked the nature of our visit (fun!) and if we had firearms (no!). We were told the speed limit on the dam was 15 miles per hour except where it was 5 mph and under no circumstance should we get out of the car or take photos/videos. Well, ok. The crossing itself was more like going through a work site, which I guess it is. The gate on the other side opened automatically. In doing some research, I see this over the dam road was actually closed for six years after 911, so I guess we are lucky to have the option at all. Obviously I have no photos, but here is a link to the Wikipedia entry. Here is the link from the US Army Corps of Engineers.

If you go to visit, be aware that the dam closes at 5 and then you have to go the long way home. And good luck with that since your phone won’t have reception!

So, back to the Dunes. There is a decent parking lot, a walk through the hilly sand (wear shoes the sand gets hot!) and then a large beach area which was fairly full. There were some enthusiastic college students playing and having a time and while I didn’t see drinking or drunkenness, I won’t have been surprised. But really, not a concern. The way the river flows in that area, one can walk out to almost 1/2 way across and be up to one’s waist. See those rocks in the top photo? They are people! And then there is an obvious drop. As much as I’d like to have actually gone swimming, I just wasn’t too sure about the drop. Nobody else crossed the line and I was worried about the current. Next time I’ll bring a floaty though, that looked like fun.

So, all in all it was a lovely way to spend a summer day and I got to visit with my daughter. After going back through the gated dam, we got back into town and then went to a movie and then out for ice cream. Really, what more could one want?


The Dahlia Trial Gardens at Point Defiance


When I think of large displays of dahlias I usually think of the Connell’s Dahlia or perhaps the Washington State Fair. But Point Defiance Park also has a large display, the Dahlia Trial Gardens, which is right next door to the Rose Gardens and everything seemed to be in bloom!  I had gone to join my good friends at a picnic and really enjoyed my time with them. Afterwards I wandered all the gardens, enjoying the sunshine and snapping away. This Dahlia Trial Garden is one of eight in the entire United States that is sanctioned by the American Dahlia Society. It is managed by the Washington State Dahlia Society. Post Defiance has an excellent article on the gardens.

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The Rose Garden at Point Defiance

IMG_1723I was trying to squeeze the last little bit of summer in today and thought to take the five mile loop through Point Defiance Park. On my way in I noticed the amazing display in the rose garden. So I looked around, parked and took a stroll. It is mostly roses, of course, but there were a fair number of dahlias in bloom and other plants as well.

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Top Side Bar & Grill, Steilacoom

What an amazing view is to be had at the Topside Bar & Grill at 215 Wilkes Street  Steilacoom, WA 98388. I met some long time friends to unwind after a long work week and truly appreciated the lovely summer evening and the glorious sunset. We had some refreshments and solved the problems of the world and then walked down to the local park to enjoy the view further.

A cool image of the Top Side space can be found here http://www.spherovision.net/html5/US117LS/US117_001_J10_xml/p01_m.html

Fircrest Swim Shop

Dear daughter needed a swimsuit. We were at Target anyway, so we checked there. She hated them all. Fine. Then later we were at the outlet mall in North Bend, so we checked there. Nope that didn’t work either. Then I remembered The Fircrest Swim Shop at 620 Regence Boulevard in Fircrest. I remember my husband saying he bought his bathing suit there and that they had a good selection and reasonable prices. He was understated, they have a great selection and very competitive prices! They also have friendly, helpful (but in no way pushy) sales staff. We found a darling suit and since I was there I found one too 🙂

Their Facebook Page can be found here


Celebrating Summer at the Proctor Farmer’s Market

Although it is September, Summer seems to be here still. Perhaps to make up for its very late arrival this year! The Proctor Farmer’s Market was packed with cheerful folks in the summer outfits. I strolled from one end to another and came away with a flat of blackberries (soon to be cobbler), organic pumpkin dog treats which the dogs love, zucchini, corn and pop in your mouth delicious cherry tomatoes.

The market will be open until November 19th and operates between the hours of 9 – 2.  There website is here http://www.proctorfarmersmarket.com/