Tag Archives: Day

Valentine’s Day Spring Flowers

16531581111_5e514ae2d2_kI was having a Valentine’s Day meal with my Valentine when I glanced out the window towards LEED (Law Enforcement Equipment Distribution) at 6902 Sixth Avenue. It took me a moment to realize what seemed out of place to me. The rhododendrons were in full bloom! That seems crazy to me since we are only in mid-February! So then I started looking around and sure enough there were cherry trees blooming and daffodils coming up and a lovely camellia in full glory. So, I guess the ground hog was wrong for us this year, but for sure right for my friends and family in the northeast.

LEED specialize in duty gear, body armor and firearms for law enforcement and armed security professionals.

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Old Town Dock

8475385612_0711ef79e6_oOld Town Dock at 2123 Schuster Pkwy, Tacoma, WA 98402 is currently being renovated. I had stopped at Great Northern Fish to pick up some Valentine’s dinner and in the six minutes it took them to fry my fish, I walked over to the dock and captured this photo. Per the Metro Park’s website, the renovation includes replacing the piles, deck and pavilion, adding handrails, security and moorage floats. The dock will reopen in the summer of 2013.

The original dock was constructed in 1873 and served fishing boats and then as public space. The dock was closed in 2008 when an engineering study indicated that it was unsafe. The renovation comes at a cost of $2 million dollars. The photo below isn’t of the Old Town Dock, but instead is over the property next to that.


Love for Sale at Rite Aid in James’ Center


I was sent to Rite Aid at1850 South Mildred Street (James Center),Tacoma, WA 98465 for index cards today. While there I admired there selection of Valentine’s Cards. I then played with the image using http://pixenate.com/ for the heart shape and http://www.befunky.com/ for the tones.

Rite Aid’s website is here http://www.riteaid.com/





Jewell Day Spa

Jewell Day Spa at 2501 6th Avenue hosted a Spring Fling today with various, local vendors. Dear daughter and I cam away from it with amazing caramels, a lovely purse, a box of cupcake bandages and two tickets for the Tacoma Art Bus.

The spa itself looks wonderful and offers a variety of services. Their website is here.


I didn’t think any of my photos did the spa’s ambiance justice. But I did like a photo of a yellow dress that I took a few doors down.