Tag Archives: graffiti

Art in the Hilltop

I went back to the Red Elm Café to visit with an old friend and now a new friend. While there I noticed this terrific artwork on the wall of the Basket Nook On MLK Way between South 10th and South 11th. I suspect that the art is temporary until somebody develops the lot and considering the good things that are happening I’m guessing new construction will happen sooner than later. But for now I’m enjoying it.

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Tacoma’s Spring Fence

8649334813_688a75f233_h(1)A local coalition of Tacoma Urban Landscaping, Downtown On the go, Coalition for Active Transportation, 35 Ways to Safer Streets, The Grand Cinema and the New Tacoma Neighborhood Council organized the yarn bombing on the chain-link fence on St. Helens Avenue at 6th.An article about the project can be found on the News Tribune Blog. In addition to the knitted flowers, there were real flowers, banners and the word Spring in fabric. While I was checking out the art, I was asked for money by a guy just out of jail with a DUI, I visited with two legit looking young men scoping out location for a movie and visited briefly with the man moving the Ferrari that was in his shop.

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Memorial Dumpstery

I’ve long admired the bold graffiti style art on the dumpster at the corner of South 56th Street and South Sheridan. One side is abstract and the other gives homage to Vanessa, who lived between 1978 and 2003. I searched for information about this young woman, but had no luck. The art work is dated 2010.