I had no excuse not to go to the gym today, so off I went. I was too late to take the class I wanted, but I worked the machines for a while and felt like I accomplished something. The building has over 70,000 square feet and includes a pool/hot tub/saunas, class spaces, plenty of exercise machines, a woman’s only workout area, a child care spot, a rock climbing area and an Emerald City Smoothie.
And the link for AllStar is http://www.allstarfitness.com/
The link for Emerald City Smoothie is http://www.emeraldcitysmoothie.com/ViewStore.aspx?store=3e704783-47b3-4067-84d9-bda8f59396a8
As a side note, I remember going to see movies at this location when I first moved to Tacoma. Then the movie theater failed and Allstar purchased the building and complete remodeled it. They really did a top notch job with the remodel!
The other photo is of the sunset tonight. I was pretty excited to see that it was after 5 and the sunset was in progress. I guess the days are getting longer.

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