Tag Archives: site

Vacant Lot on South 38th Street & Pacific Avenue

11198720725_0c5214c881_bDarn it was cold today, so I had a very quick stop to photo the vacant lot on the southeast corner of Pacific Avenue and South 38th Street. I remember when there was a building on the large lot, office space I think. Somebody demolished the buildings and there were plans to building something, maybe a drugstore? Anyway, its been vacant for years now. Maybe now that the Northwest corner is being redeveloped, this lot too will see new life. One can hope.

Tower of London

The Tower of London, more formally known as Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress, is a World Heritage Site. I loved walking the hallways, climbing the circular stairs and seeing the crown jewels! The website is here http://www.hrp.org.uk/toweroflondon/