Tag Archives: up

Chambers Creek Labyrinth

10432192875_dc0ec30186_hI really needed to stretch my legs and for a couple of minutes it wasn’t foggy, so I sent off to see the Chambers Bay Labyrinth off of 64th Street. The labyrinth is based on the Chartres Cathedral labyrinth in France. At first I saw no discernible pattern, but after a while it became apparent and I walked its twisting ways to the center. More information on the labyrinth can be found here. And the worldwide labyrinth locator can be found here.

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Skyrail Rainforest

9392914878_cef011d490_cThe Skyrail Rainforest Cable Way is an almost five mile one way trip. At both ends there are shops and services and in the middle there is an interpretative trail to explore. The highest station is 1,788 feet above sea level and the lowest point is 5 feet above sea level. It is part of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. I found, but did not purchase, this jaunty fellow in a near by store. (see below) More information can be found here.
