Tag Archives: wood

The tugs at Harbor Days in Olympia

imageOlympia’s Harbor Days is held Labor Day Weekend (Friday evening through Sunday) and is always fun. My favorite part is seeing all the vintage tugboats, several of which were available for tour. My least favorite part was when the largest tug sounded its horn right next to me and almost gave me a heart attack! But is was funny later 🙂 There was some great entertainment including music and a juggler. More information can be found here.

Gray Lumber Company, Logistics Center


9691572096_5d7bdf1b8c_bGray Lumber Company has a logistics center at 3902 South ‘M’ Street in Tacoma. Some version of this facility has been in place since 1903. Grays is Tacoma’s oldest lumber yard. They really have an interesting history, important to Tacoma. It can be found on their website.

Lapenski Fuel

The Lapenski Fuel Company located at 9910 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, has provided various types of fuel, wood, coal and heating oil. The building was constructed in 1957 and has a mid-century look to it.

For the Birds

My husband in particular admires these lovely bird houses that are for sale in front of the house at 4613 Sixth Avenue. They are pretty spectacular and available for purchase by calling 253 226 0086.