Monthly Archives: July 2011

Vintage Wheels at LeMay Family Collection

There are over 500 vintage vehicles at the LeMay Family Collection at 325 152nd Street East, Tacoma, WA 98445. Our family signed up for the 1:00 tour and I figured it would be over by 2:00 so the next group could begin. But they must stagger tours because ours went until 3:30! The tickets are $15 for adults and $5 for students and kids under 5 are free. A tour guide takes the groups through, which is great because he was happy to talk about the cars, tell stories about how they came to be at LeMay and answer questions!.

Their literature says that they have the largest privately owned vehicle and memorabilia collection in the world. I believe it! Instead of writing more, I’m just going to post a bunch of photos 🙂

The LeMay website can be found here:

Tea at Green Spot, University Place


One of my favorite group of friends gathered today at Green Spot Tea and Art Gallery at 3318 Bridgeport Way University Place, WA 98466. For lunch I had a pot of Ginger Tea ($2.00), a Verrrry Spicy Ranch and Grilled Chicken ($6.50) and a key lime tart ($3.00) for a grand total of $11.50. That is a lot of great food for the price! And I brought 1/2 the wrap back home with me.

I really like the decor at the Green Spot, it has clean lines and not a bunch of cute clutter like many tea stores. The hanging show of fabric based art was lovely.

The Green Spot’s Web Site can be found here:

Update: I went past today (8/20/12) and it was gone. Looks like a wine bar is moving in

Memorial Dumpstery

I’ve long admired the bold graffiti style art on the dumpster at the corner of South 56th Street and South Sheridan. One side is abstract and the other gives homage to Vanessa, who lived between 1978 and 2003. I searched for information about this young woman, but had no luck. The art work is dated 2010.


The Grand Cinema, another thing that makes Tacoma great!

I’ve been wanting to see the Woody Allen’s new movie Midnight in Paris and today was the day.  It is playing exclusively at the Grand Cinema at 606 South Fawcett Avenue, Tacoma, WA and that is great, since it is one of my favorite theaters.  It was a wonderful movie that made me want to book a ticket to Paris right away.  I was especially glad to see it since my book group is reading Tender is the Night this year and F.  Scott Fitzgerald is one of the characters in the film.

To see more about the movie, go here:

The Grand Cinema is a nonprofit, art house theater and its mission is to enhance the cultural vitality of the community through the art of film.   Their selection of movies is very thoughtful and they show films that often just aren’t available any place else in Pierce County.  In addition their theaters are comfortable, the snacks extra good and the mostly volunteer staff is excellent!

The Grand’s website is here:


Quaker Legs at the University Center, PLU

The North Pacific Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) had their Annual Session this week at Pacific Lutheran University (PLU). Many of their activities took place at the University Center, which houses the university’s administration, cafeteria student store and one of the large meeting rooms. While I don’t like to take photos of people without their permission, I was pretty comfortable taking this shot of Quakers Legs. And none of the other shots came out!

Harry Potter at 12:15 (yes a.m.)

I haven’t been to a midnight movie since Rocky Horror Picture many years ago. But I went to the Lakewood 15 to and took several awful photos. The movie was, of course, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows and it was terrific. All of the theaters were devoted to the one movie and the place was rockin with most of the movie goers dressed up.

Pita Pit, for potentially healthy meals



Somehow it got to be 8 pm and dear daughter and I had missed dinner. She wanted to go to Jack in the Box, but I talked her into Pita Pit at 212 Garfield Street near Pacific Lutheran University. In retrospect, we should have shared a pita because they are pretty big. But we didn’t. I had one with turkey and ham (lettuce, spinach, sprouts, mushrooms, red onion and some kind of garlic sauce) and the kid had a breakfast one with eggs, potatoes and cheese). Both were good. This Pita Pit is open until 10 most nights (midnight Friday and Saturday), which is great for the PLU students. They also deliver locally.

While Pita Pit is a relatively small chain, compared to Jack in the Box, it looks like they have locations in the vast majority of the states, with approximately 24 locations in Washington State.

Pita Pit’s website can be found here:

Honk! Honk! Goodbye Ruston Tunnel



I knew when I read the paper yesterday that I needed to drive through the 1912 Ruston Tunnel one more time, honking all the way! And so I did, — four times actually, two in each direction. And there were plenty of other cars there too and everybody was honking and yelling and taking photos. The Tacoma News Tribune produced a nice write up about the tunnel which can be found here:

Be sure to check out the historic photo which is part of the article.

Happy Birthday 7-11!

Happy Birthday 7-11! by Gexydaf

Today, 7.11.11 was 7 Eleven’s 84th birthday and they gave away 7.11 oz. slurpees all day long.  We went to the one near the Tacoma Mall at 4701 S. Oakes and we weren’t the only ones with this bright idea!  I had the banana, which was pretty darned tasty and dear daughter had the Berry, which was blue and she drank the whole thing so I guess it was alright. According to Wikipedia 7-Eleven is “is the world’s largest operator, franchisor and licensor of convenience stores, with more than 39,000 outlets”. 8,200 of these are in the US.  The company originated in Dallas, TX, but the franchise is now owned by the Japanese Company Ito-Yokado.