Category Archives: Sports

Bresemann Forest, Spanaway

I wanted to spend some time with my dog, Lilly, so I asked her what she wanted to do. She suggested a full day of doggie treats and napping. But taking a walk was a solid second choice. So off we went to Bresemann Forest in Spanaway Park, next to the Sprinker Recreation Center. Just the word forest brings up an image of mysterious woods to me, so I was pretty excited. There is a lovely metal archway leading into the forest and plenty of parking next to it. The trails were clean, well maintained and unmarked, so we just set off along the main trail. Almost immediately I noticed a big dog coming toward us on a leash. Knowing that my dog is insane and will bark her head off  (its us, not you), we veered to the smaller trail and didn’t see anybody else the rest of our stroll. Despite the fact that the weather guy promised only clouds it started to rain, so we didn’t stay as long as originally planned. I hear there is a quaint bridge and a pond, but that will have to wait.

Next to the forest is a huge rock designed for climbing and there were about 25 people there learning the ropes (so to speak).

The forest has its own Facebook Page 🙂

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The dock at Thea’s Park

17750315512_5f858f945a_o(1)Thea Park hosted dragon boat races today and dear husband and I managed to see the very end of it. Not the racing part, but there was still a group receiving awards and a booth or two. I wandered on to the dock to see the new still dragon boats, their dragon heads being safely stowed.

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Velodrome at Marymoore Park

17473898391_3f8d33bc41_kWashington State’s only velodrome (a cycle-racing track, typically with steeply banked curves) is the Velodrome at Marymoore Park in Redmond, WA. Dear husband and I checked it out today. There were only a couple of folks causally biking the loop on this lovely day. Velodrome racing was a popular sport in the U.S from the early 1800s to the 1930s and has been a part of the Olympic Games since 1896. There are about 26 functioning velodromes across the country. Interesting fact, the bicycles that race the track can go speeds of upward of 50 mph and have no brakes.

While at Marymoore, we also checked out the spectacular rock climbing wall and the turn of the century Windmill in the Willowmoor farmstead area.

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Seahawks House III

12275749606_e7809ffb49_c(2)You have to admire somebody who would paint his fence in Seahawks colors! This house is located on the corner of South ‘M’ Street and South 62nd. If you look close you can see one of the owner’s two dobermans barking at me! Go hawks!

Seahawks House in University Place

12183784515_de2d44d003_bThe house along 67th Avenue West near its intersection with 36th Street West obviously belongs to a Seahawks fan! Let’s hope that the enthusiastic decorating job brings the Seahawks luck in the Superbowl!

Seahawks House, Tacoma

11847286423_c2079e533b_h(1)It took me a beat to realize why some folks have left their holiday lights up when I realized they are in Seahawks blue and green. Oh, I get it! The Seahawks play in the NFL Second Round Playoffs against the New Orleans Saints on Saturday. Go hawks!

Paul Bunyan Rifle & Sportsman’s Club

8712126209_9c2833f05b_bI was driving down Meridian in the South Hill area of Puyallup when I decided to turn around. My turn ended up being the entrance to the Paul Bunyan Rifle and Sportsman’s Club at 17902 Meridian East, Puyallup, WA. The club was founded in 1945 and the land purchased from Weyerhauser Timber Company in 1946. There website is here.



Croke Stadium

I wasn’t excited about going to a sports stadium, but it turns out that Croke Park in Dublin, Ireland was one of my favorite things to do! We had time to do interactive sports and then a wonderful tour guide showed us around. We went way up in the bleachers to take this picture.

This park is the site of the 1920 Bloody Sunday in which 14 civilians (fans and players) were killed when authorities stormed a Gaelic football match. This was done in retaliation against 14 assassinations early in the day.