Tag Archives: Tacoma Mall

Thanksgiving 2016, the mall wasn’t completely closed


Our kitchen is not huge and we had three people cooking a Thanksgiving feast there, so I finished my part and took off for a Starbucks and some fresh air. I often drive over to the mall on Thanksgiving. It’s pretty close and I find the empty parking lots soothing. But this year the JC Penney’s lot was nearly full! And people were inside and others were rushing toward the entry doors.

So while I like many of the stances that Penney’s has taken over the years, I’m not to sure about this being open for at least part of Thanksgiving. I sincerely hope their employees are getting overtime. Judging by the crowded parking lot, it is probably worth Penney’s time to be open, at least financially. The rest of the mall appeared to be closed (and thus soothing!). And Best Buy across the street had folks lined up, many had tents. But also folks inside. Not sure what was happening there. It was about 3:30.


Zagg at the Tacoma Mall

imageI don’t love going to the mall, but today was the day since I had a crack on the protective screen on my phone. It was a Zagg protective covering and when the phone folks sold it to me they said I could have it replaced for a minimal cost if it should break. It cracked at a jaunty diagonal. Since I tend to avoid the mall, I put off getting it fixed. But the lady at the Zagg kiosk was really nice and it only took 20 minutes and there is a Starbucks right there. And it was kind of fun to watch all of the mall patrons walking around. What an assortment they are. There were the parents dragging their tweans around buying school clothes, teen girls with little pink Victoria Secrets Bags, a couple of businessmen in suites, the mall security folks on their Segways and moms with strollers.

L&L, The Original Hawaiian BBQ


I had never had Hawaiian BBQ before and wondered how it was different from Texan BBQ. Apparently L&L’s BBQ is “fusion of Asian and American dishes prepared with a unique island flare”. The L&L BBQ is located at 4502 S. Steele Street #161A in the Tacoma Mall. Both dear husband and I had bowls, his chicken and mine beef. They were served with rice and veggies, There was so much food, that we have enough for another delicious meal each.



The scent of possibilities at Yankee Candle

13940170486_1fb249b357_bI needed to get in a little more walking today, so I wandered into the mall (really an unusual for me). Apparently Yankee Candle at Tacoma Mall has been there about three years! Anyway I stopped and bought a hanging, scented thing for my husband’s truck and a few of those melting wax things (really, what are they called?). The clerk at the store was a big help. I’m looking forward to pleasant smells in the immediate future 🙂

Yankee Candle has about 560 locations, mostly in malls. They are based out of Massachusetts and incorporated in 1969.


What the Pho Xpress

9102847651_652c62bb7b_bSometimes I think we have created demand for an entire category of restaurants because the word Pho sounds like…. well, you know. What the Pho at the Tacoma Mall is relatively new. The employees were charming  (seriously, they were very nice) and the food was plentiful and good.

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Sears at the Tacoma Mall

SearsSears is located at the Tacoma Mall at 4502 S Steele St #100, Tacoma. Information about Sears is here. Tacoma Public Library’s Northwest Room says that the mall’s original four anchors were J.C. Penney, the Bon Marche, Nordstrom and Rhodes Department Store. I was a little surprised that Sears wasn’t on the list. The Bon was Tacoma Mall’s first tenant.

Tacoma Public Library has a wonderful photo of Tacoma’s original Sears at the corner of South 13th Street and Broadway circa 1950. It can be seen here.

Nordstrom at the Tacoma Mall

Nordstrom at the Tacoma Mall by Gexydaf
Nordstrom at the Tacoma Mall, a photo by Gexydaf on Flickr.

I had an appointment at the mall and took a minute to wander into Nordstroms at the Tacoma Mall to look at boots.  I learned the 10 Top Fall 2011 Fashion Trends, which are:

  • Capes & Ponchoes
  • The Heritage Jacket
  • Stacked Heels
  • Midi Length
  • Chocolate Metals
  • Bow Blouse
  • The Skinny
  • Bold Color Mixes
  • Leather Sportswear
  • Faux Fur


Macy’s at the Tacoma Mall, are they on strike?


I’ve been honoring the strike at Macy’s at the Tacoma Mall, though they probably haven’t noticed because I go there so infrequently anyway! But I needed a nice dress for an upcoming event and I don’t have time to order something online. So, feeling particularly mean I dragged my poor husband to Macy’s. It ended up that I didn’t find a dress that I liked in my price range, but I did buy a nice pair of jeans for $24, which seemed reasonable to me. The sales associates were pleasant, but the racks of clothes were a mess with sizes all mixed in together.

The UFCW Local 367 members voted to strike Tacoma Macy’s in May 2010 and I’m not readily finding information to see if the strike is settled. I haven’t seen one of the trucks that had been driving around promoting the strike for a while.

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like …

Originally uploaded by Gexydaf

Dear daughter and I were tired of being stuck in the house and I offered her lunch out. She wanted to go to Panera Bread and while I prefer the Lakewood Panera Bread, the Tacoma Mall was closer and the roads still aren’t all that great. I’ve already used the Tacoma Panera Bread as a new place of the day, so I thought I’d venture into the Tacoma Mall a bit and use that. The mall is setting up for the holidays with a spot for Santa (see photo).

Instead of going back to the mall, I plan to shop at the Gritty City Gift Fair!



A yummy, but crowded lunch at Panera Bread


I know it’s a big chain, but I really like Panera Bread. Their food is tasty, service is pleasant and the decor is attractive. So, I was pleased when when one recently opened at the near by Tacoma Mall. I’m not a big fan of malls, but there is an outside door so I didn’t have to actually go into the mall. My only complaint with this new Panera is that it was too crowded and the tables where too close together.

4502 S. Steel Street, Tacoma, WA
