Tag Archives: fair

Pokemon Wall on McKinley Hill


Each year the McKinley Hill neighborhood has a street festival fair and I hear that this wall is painted with a new mural. So this is last year’s mural when Pokémon Go was so popular. Notice how the pokeball is actually part of the building?

The wall is in the alleyway next to Fergie’s on the Ave and as of tomorrow the Pokémon mural will be gone. The McKinley Hill Street Fair is August 19th and I’m looking forward to visiting the new mural!


The Vintage Carousel at the Washington State Fair

fairThe Washington State Fair’s 1917 Merry Go Round is the oldest active carnival ride at the Fair, operating there since 1923. I learned that seniors, 62+, qualify to ride for free! No, I don’t qualify.

The fair had a glorious last day of it’s run with the weather sunny and in the mid-70s. It was packed!

Here are a couple of photos of the merry go round, as well as a couple of other shots. Apparently I can’t stay out of the floral building!

Variations on the Floral/Grange Building at the Washington State Fair


Four Apples – Prizma

One of my favorite buildings at the Washington State Fair is the Floral/Grange Building and of course while dear husband and I were enjoying the fair I took a bunch of photos there. I thought this time I would try editing each of the photos with a different photo app. The four apples above were made with the Prisma App (a new one for me)


Washington Fair Grange – Brushstroke


Washington Fair Grange – Tomatoes Mobile Monet


Washington Fair Grange – Carrots – Photolab Cartoon

produce-and-flowers-at-the-washington-state-fair_29357461152_o (1)

Washington Fair Grange – Onions Toon Camera


Washington Fair Grange – Kaleidoscope

Washington Fair Grange – Pixlromatic


Washington Fair Grange – Pears and Grapes – Photolab Light Boken


Washington Fair Grange – Photolab Pen & Ink Photo Lab – Pen & Ink


Washington Fair Grange – Glaze


Washington Fair Grange – Tintype



Washington Fair Grange – Living Planet


Washington Fair Grange – Distressed FX



Washington Fair Grange – Photosplash


Washington Fair Grange – Sparkle Post


Washington Fair Grange – Juxtaposer

Percolator 2.4 (2.4) Grind: Extra Fine (Average Circles & Effect: Auto Adjust), Brew: Circles (No Pic & Full Blended Circles), Serve: Black (Clear Tone & Paper Cup Texture)

Percolator 2.4 (2.4)
Grind: Extra Fine (Average Circles & Effect: Auto Adjust), Brew: Circles (No Pic & Full Blended Circles), Serve: Black (Clear Tone & Paper Cup Texture)

Waterlogue 1.3.1 (72) Preset Style = Bold Format = 6" (Medium) Format Margin = None Format Border = Straight Drawing = #2 Pencil Drawing Weight = Heavy Drawing Detail = Medium Paint = High Contrast Paint Lightness = Auto Paint Intensity = More Water = Tap Water Water Edges = Blurry Water Bleed = Average Brush = Fine Detail Brush Focus = Everything Brush Spacing = Medium Paper = Watercolor Paper Texture = Medium Paper Shading = Medium Options Faces = Enhance Faces

Waterlogue 1.3.1 (72)


Washington Fair Grange – Photoshop Pro Antique Oil


Washington Fair Grange Photoshop Express – Bright


Washington Fair Grange – PicMonkey


Washington Fair Grange – Be Jealous – PicLab


Washington Fair Grange – Enlight Urban Paintsplat

The Field House at UPS



This evening the family went to the Field House at the University of Puget Sound at 3326 North 11th Street, Tacoma. While there was a volleyball practice going on, we were there for a college fair. The building was constructed in 1948 and was host to some rocking groups in the 1960s including The Beach Boys, Elvis, Dusty Springfield, The Rascals, Ray Charles, the Steve Miller Band, Steppenwolf and Three Dog Night.

Western Washington State Fair, Our Body The Universe Within

When dear daughter and I went to the Western Washington State Fair last weekend we simply forgot to see the Our Body, The Universe Within exhibit and afterward that made me sad. But, on the last day of the fair, we decided to go again. Yes, there were scones involved.

I had decided not to take photos in the exhibit because it just didn’t feel respectful. Just as well since photography was not permitted, nor were cell phones. Really good photos can be found on the exhibit’s website http://www.ourbodytheuniversewithin.net/. It was a very interesting exhibit and I learned a few things. The part that captivated me the most was that they took one body and sliced it into 12 pieces sideways. So the two end pieces each had an ear and in between we saw muscle, bone, organs, etc. The individual organs were also fascinating. The stomach was smaller than I thought and the thyroid was larger. There was a brain that had been damaged by a stroke and lungs that had been ruined by smoking. The exhibit made dear daughter a tad queasy.

Casa De Leche in Puyallup

Casa de Leche is located in the Gold Parking Lot near one of the main entrances to the Puyallup Fairgrounds. My Spanish is rusty (or almost non existant), but it seems to me that it translate to the house of milk. The fun cow shaped sculpture was created by Bruce and Shannon Anderson and is part of Puyallup’s Arts Downtown’s Permanent Art Collection. The Anderson’s website can be found here http://www.andersenstudios.com/index.html

Western Washington State Fair 2010

Originally uploaded by Gexydaf


I get to use the Western Washington State Fair as my new place of the day for 9/26/2010 Dear daughter and I managed to get here on the last day of a three week run. It rained on us both coming and going, but not a drop of rain while we were there. We did all of our favorite fair things — went to the Hobby Hall, looked at the local art/crafts folks, saw the animals and ate too much. A good time was had by all!
