Tag Archives: pool

McMenamins’ Anderson School, Bothel

imageI was pretty excited to hear that the newest McMenamins had recently opened in Bothell. It is known as the Anderson School and is located at 18607 Bothell Way NE, Bothell. So dear husband, dear daughter and dear daughter’s friend went to explore it this weekend. The complex includes a restaurant/tavern, several small bars, a lovely heated saltwater pool, a movie theater (in the previous gym), an area for a reception, a small store, outdoor areas with fire pits and of course, the hotel which is in the original junior high school which has 72 rooms located in the original classrooms.

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Silver Root, Bellevue

8562968517_8cb5a7df91_zSilver Root in front of Bellevue’s City Hall is one of the most wonderful sculptures that I’ve seen in a long time. It is an old cedar root harvested in the 1800s, then cast in bronze and plated in silver. It seems as though the piece is having a small technical problem with the reflecting pool not full and orange cones where the recessed lighting is. Dan Corson is the sculptor. His website is here http://dancorson.com/root and shows the sculpture in an intact pool.



YMCA Lakewood


On Wednesday my group got together at the Lakewood YMCA (9715 Lakewood Drive SW) to talk about living off the grid. The Y was hopping! I arrive at a tad past 4 and parked in the hinterlands. I have to confuse that I didn’t get to see too much of the facility, just the Forza Coffee and the nice conference room. This YMCA has typical things such as a pool, classes and plenty of activities for the kids. More info can be found here http://www.ymcapkc.org/lakewood-family-ymca/


Trung Nguyen Billiard Hall (vacant)


Tacoma is not all waterfront parks and restored historic buildings. The nationwide economic crisis has hit here too and there are building that have been abandon and left to deteriorate. One of these buildings is the Trung Nguyen Billiard Hall (Pool Hall) at 722 S 38th St. Tacoma WA 98418. I remember when it was open and it never seemed very inviting, at least to me. The property originally was constructed in 1970 as a Pacific National Bank of Washington and the drive through teller is still in place. The windows were awfully dirty, but a quick glance showed the interior to be in shambles. There must be 40 full trash bags on the site. There is no for lease or for sale sign visible. The Pierce Co. Assessor’s Office still shows the property to be under private ownership.

Update 4/14: I hear rummer that the building is slated for demolition.


Allstar Fitness

I had no excuse not to go to the gym today, so off I went. I was too late to take the class I wanted, but I worked the machines for a while and felt like I accomplished something. The building has over 70,000 square feet and includes a pool/hot tub/saunas, class spaces, plenty of exercise machines, a woman’s only workout area, a child care spot, a rock climbing area and an Emerald City Smoothie.

And the link for AllStar is http://www.allstarfitness.com/

The link for Emerald City Smoothie is http://www.emeraldcitysmoothie.com/ViewStore.aspx?store=3e704783-47b3-4067-84d9-bda8f59396a8

As a side note, I remember going to see movies at this location when I first moved to Tacoma. Then the movie theater failed and Allstar purchased the building and complete remodeled it. They really did a top notch job with the remodel!

The other photo is of the sunset tonight. I was pretty excited to see that it was after 5 and the sunset was in progress. I guess the days are getting longer.