Tag Archives: University of Washington

Decline to Sign, I-1552

There was a rally today (2/25) against Washington State Initiative 1552, which would “repeal critical protections for transgender Washingtonians” (Source). The news reports that there were over 2,000 people there and I readily believe that. I was delighted to see many people I know there supporting themselves and their transgendered friends and family. I started at the railing, but moved up to the sky bridge, where the view was better, though it was more difficult to hear (of course).

I was standing on the sky bridge when a young mother came out with her child who was maybe three. They walked over to see the cheering crowd and she turn to her child and said “look how many people love us!”. It was a lovely moment.

Later I found my first Tacoma Rocks Rock which I later hid. Oh and there is a photo of a flower on my table at lunch and some of the old buildings on the University of Washington Campus.


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Lincoln’s Eyes on the Skybridge

Finally I had a free day to snap a photo of the temporary art installation, Envision.  It is easy piece to miss, especially on a sunny day. It is located on the pedestrian bridge (skybridge) that connects two buildings (the Keystone Building and the Science Building) on the University of Washington, Tacoma campus. Envision is one of the installations that make up the Temporal Terminus: Marking the Line exhibit which is in place through the end of November. The project’s website states:

SITE 7: UW-T Pedestrian Bridge

Title: Envision
Artists: Jeremy Gregory, Diane Hansen, Ed Kroupa

Gigantic eyes look down on the campus from the pedestrian bridge. Are they benevolent? Visionary? Judging? That depends. The eyes are those of Abraham Lincoln, the visionary whose dream it was to complete a transcontinental rail that would meet the Pacific. Is he overlooking his accomplishment or wondering about this particular route’s demise and our crazy modern lives? Walking over the ped bridge, one experiences a different viewpoint and inspiration for the endurance of vision.

(Drat, I should have walked over the bridge!)



Look here for more on the UWT campus. http://www.tacoma.washington.edu/shopuwt/docs/walking_tour.pdf

Update: October 2016. I finally crossed over on the sky bridge so here is an inside photo. Also a photo taken from above. 

Downtown Tacoma with the TCC Photography Class

imageThe past six Tuesday evenings, I’ve been taking a photography class to become more familiar with my camera. Really it has been great and I have learned a bunch. Now I just need to practice! Anyway today was our end of the class photo shoot. We met outside of Freighthouse Square and took the “Trolley Tour” (the Tacoma Link), stopping along the way to capture some moments. We strolled through the University of Washington Tacoma, crossed the Bridge of Glass and toured the theater district.

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Pho Than Brothers, Tacoma

13396084555_f8be465b7c_b(1)Before my book group on Monday, I ate at Pho Than Brothers at 1712 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, WA 98402. This chain of restaurants got its start in 1996 in North Seattle. There are 18 locations, all in the Puget Sound area. Dinner includes delicious pho and included a cream puff. I’m sure this location serves students from both Tacoma’s School of the Arts, University of Washington Tacoma and visitors to the near by history, arts and glass museums.


Tinkertopia, Tacoma’s Creative Reuse Center

IMG_5272The Tacoma Studio Tours happened on a rainy, windy weekend but I was determined to go to at least some of them. Tinkertopia at 1914 Pacific Avenue is really delightful and it would be easy to spend a great deal of time here, but not a great deal of money since everything is so reasonably priced. To get a sense of the place, check out the photos below and the website which has plenty of links to articles and a free mini poster! Tinkertopia is a Spaceworks Project and when their Spaceworks funding expires they will be able to continue with the generous support of University of Washington, Tacoma.

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The UWT Stairs

stairsI remember when these stairs were the site of South 19th Street and there was a Les Schwab TIre Center to the left. When the University of Washington opened their Tacoma branch they convert the street to these stairs. The designer really did a great job.


9925193166_54fa730ce3_bSavor Creperie at 1916 Pacific Avenue in Tacoma opened in April 2013. I had some time before my book group meeting (we read The World’s Strongest Librarian) and needed dinner. I’ve been wanting to stop at Savor for sometime and there was an unusual amount of available parking in Tacoma’s museum district. I had the Maple Roasted Butternut Squash, Stilton Cheese, Candied Hazelnuts, Fresh Thyme Crepe and it was amazing. And the service was flawless. They also have glutten free rice flour crepes. Next time I go, I’m going to try a sweet crepe. I loved the hanging artwork of photos of local landmarks. Their website is here.


University of Washington Bookstore

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University of Washington Tacoma’s Bookstore is the only bookstore in Tacoma that exclusively sells new books. People think of them as being primarily for student textbooks, but they have a bunch of great stuff including all types of books, art supplies, jewelery, scarfs and, of course, plenty of Huskies material. And there is a Starbucks adjoining. Just remember not to get lost in book store browsing and forget to pay the meter!




Cutters Point Coffee

There are twelve Cutters Point Coffee Shops, 11 in the Puget Sound area and one in Savannah, Georgia. There first shop was founded in Gig Harbor in 2001. This Cutters Point is at 1936 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, WA and is an asset to the museum/school vibe of the area. Inside there is a fireplace, comfy chairs, tables to work at and some fun artwork. I like that they have their logo installed on the floor — its classy.

Their website is www.cutterspoint.com/

After our coffee break dear daughter and I went to the Washington State History Museum to see the exhibit on the Great Depression. It was great!

Update 1/2017 this coffee shop has closed


Grassi’s Flowers & Gifts at 1702 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, is in  cool, triangular building that was built in 1892 as the Wynkoop Drug Co. / Pagni & Lenti Grocery. The property has also been the Little Country Grocery Store. It was renovated to its beautiful condition by Alice Mack, but ended up being owned by a bank through foreclosure. Eventually it was purchased by the University of Washington and leased to Grassi’s.
